Charlotte here with another review!
This was a complete guilty-pleasure book. I have to admit that in the past fallen angels haven't really entertained me, but this book changed that. The imagery was so great at some points, I reread the pages over and over.
I only have 2 main concerns that I didn't like. But since in all they only knocked off one star; they're not terrible. 1=It got pretty sappy near the end. I feel like there should have been a better segway between Daniel trying to make her not like him, then Daniel trying to kiss her. Rofl. 2=The chapters! I don't know about you, but I HATE it when a chapter ends, and then the next chapter is a few days later. That annoyed me a whole lot. I really like to know what is going on at all times in a book, but oh well.
I liked all of the characters. I was glad that they were all different too. Luce was the only one I have a tingle of a issue with. She just kept going back to Cam! Plus giving into everything. *sigh* I forgave her though, because there was a particular line in the book that said she was 'incapable of brutal honesty.' I did like her at all other times, her view of the world was entertaining.
The whole plot did end up being about Luce and Daniel. It's always like that with paranormal romances, but it could have used a bit more substance. The fight scene at the end wasn't much! But it WAS something. The end of the book wrapped things up nicely, and the epilogue made me want moremoremore.
This isn't totally relevant, but did anyone else thing that the font in this book was BIG? That puzzled me a bit.
Anyway, this got a 4/5 star rating. I will be reading the next books!
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I loved this book so much, I felt like I can relate to alot of the events in the main charachters life and I will have no problem reading it again. It's thrilling, Edgy and Unforgettable, Lauren Kate is my favorite author of all times.