This week is my school-vacation, and I've been visiting my sister at her college. To make this story shorter, her school is located on a beach! This gave me the inspiration to read a few books just bursting with sand (in more ways than one!)I finished these following books less than a day ago. Not only are they both my newest favorites, they're filled with emotional depth. Check them out now!
I know the title is weird to some, but it doesn't even begin to explain the depth in this book. Anna and Frankie are so grief-stricken you can't help but be sympathetic from afar but also at the same time, misty-eyed yourself at the horrors they have been through. Anna was a protagonist to remember, and the story is one I'll never forget. There are so many quotes I'd hate to forget, I need to go write them down somewhere!
The bottom line is, it was truly a sad story. Throughout it, we were provided hope. I'm being cliché, but it had the light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel feel. Matt's tragic death is the base, but it doesn't totally focus on it. We are exposed to the way people respond to such tremendous grief, which is extremely eye-opening to those who haven't been IRL exposed to it. You, the reader, feel the emotions the characters are going through and definitely experience a small fragment of their sadness. The writing is magnificent and 100% percent worth any tissues you may use.

Published in 2010 by Amanda Howells (Sourcebook Fire)

So this book is amazing. I recommend it to anyone, but you should know going in that it is not a light read. I didn't know what to expect, and it hit me pretty hard. The paperback blurb is very vague, and I didn't read any reviews before going into it.
My main issue with the book was its lack of plot. It was a romance story, armed with two dysfunctional families. The fact it didn't come with a plot was minor in my case, but it's always a personal opinion. I really got into it around the ending. The first half of the book was enjoyable to me, but not compelling until (as I said) the end. Give it a chance, it's so worth it.
I know it's winter for a lot of people, but who needs a season to read a book? If you are down with the snow-blues, pick up one of these paperbacks and cuddle next to the heat vent. You won't be disappointed!
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