Contact Us / Review Policy

Our reviews are honest and personal, and we always want to read your book. We accept digital editions, arcs, and finished copies. If you write to us, please include the premise of the book and how you will send us a copy.

Note: You do not have to provide three copies if you don't want to, just specify which of us you'd prefer to review the book! Or else it will automatically go to the person with the most amount of free time. (We are, after all, highschoolers.)

Genres we accept are any type of YA fiction.

Our reviews get posted on Goodreads, YouTube (occasionally), and this blog. If you want it posted on Amazon as well, just tell us that. Each place has a different audience. Our reviews are thorough and showcase our personal opinions, as well as explaining the premise of your book. For examples of our reviews, please go to the front page of our blog and scroll to the most recent one.

Our rating system is a basic ?/5 stars. One stands for dislike, ranging to a 5 which stands for obsession-worthy!

We are also happy to hold giveaways, and do interviews with the author. Our giveaways will be through commenting, and will have a minimum of one extra way to earn entries. Interviews will revolve around the book and/or series it is a part of.

The fastest way to reach us is by email: